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On The Outside- 2018

Four stories from conversations with four women in prison. Told in their own words, as authors of their own representation. And retold by four actors.

Directed by Paul Gray

DOCUMENTARY: Skammdegi 2016

How do people survive the dark winter of Iceland?


A portrait of the people from Ólafsfjörður a small town northeast of Iceland.

Co-directed with JAMIE SCOTT GORDON


A coming of age drama about the interwoven and unravelling lives of a daughter and her two mothers.


Feature film dir. by PAUL GRAY

Starring: KIRSTY STRAIN  (birth mum Zoe), SHONAGH PRICE (Violet’s adoptive Mum), IAN DUNN (adoptive Dad), as well as DAVE HOOK (Solareye from Stanley Odd), LIZ STRANGE,  MATTHEW ZAJAC, PATRICK O”BRIEN, JAMIE MELROSE, TOMMY MULLINS and DALE MCQUEEN.


Short: Picnic Days 2013

Picnic Days is a peculiar story about two brothers trying to create their relationship from scratch due to their father's sudden death.


Directed by Alkis Papastathopoulos

Produced by: Monika Lewandowska

Starring: Sean Michael Errey and Behm MacRae

Featuring Music by Berlin Brides


Short: Chameleons 2014

O is a mysterious man doing a rather mysterious job. He is a Chameleon. He drifts around the city of Edinburgh during the day and meets people who ask him to be someone else. An actor, a father, a lover, a lost son. During the night he meets with a girl. A mysterious girl just like him. Only this day a heavy sudden storm will bring them even closer.


Directed by Giorgos Iliopoulos

Produced by: Isavella Alopoudi

Starring: Patrick O'Brien, Sean Michael Errey, Madeleine Ash, Louise Burke,


Dance Video: Ballet

Choreographed and performed by: Camille Barrie

Actress (Underwater): Alice McMillan


Footage combined to create the video by my collaboaration with directors Oscar Van Heek Gordon NapierFrancesca Challis-Thompson, Liam Callander


Short: Cows are not on the menu 2015

Produced by Eglė Sirtautaitė

Directed by Frederic Erpelding

Cinematography by Ruan Suess & Alkistis Terzi

Documentary: World with no colors 2016 

Produced by Claire Conlon

Directed by Alkistis Terzi

Cinematography by Ruan Suess & Alkistis Terzi

Video Art: Sorrows

Art and Direction: Lisa Naas Audio: David Faleris, Sorrows" Poem by Lisa Naas

reflections in glass, sound, and technology on isolation, connection, and human emotion

Director: Chris Fletcher

Producer: Reece Cargan
iSound Recordist: Paul Chan
Editor Alex Dunford
Sound Designer: Petros Tsaftaridis

Short: The Punishment


Short: The Ghost of Me and You, 2019

Director: Ben Thompson

Producer: Reece Cargan

Nominated for Best Cinematography (SSFF 2020)

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